Tag: Week 4
Refection on Mark 6.30-34
Jesus “saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd” – a reflection on Mark 6.30-34
Reflection on Mark 6.14-29
“Herodias had a grudge against him [John the Baptist], and wanted to kill him” – a reflection on Mark 6.14-29
Reflection on Mark 6.1-6a
Jesus “was amazed at their unbelief” – a reflection on Mark 6.1-6a
Reflection on Mark 5.21-43
People came from Jairus’ house and said: “Why trouble the teacher any further?” – a reflection on Mark 5.21-43
Reflection on Mark 5.1-20
The man with the unclean spirit said: “What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?” – a reflection on Mark 5.1-20